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Tian, J., O'Brien, E., Stephan, A., & Ross, L. A. (in preparation). Characteristics of older adults' leisure activities: A daily diary


Stephan, A. (under review). Intergenerational contact: Connection among extended kinship networks during the COVID-19



McKown, G., & Stephan, A. (under review). Wellbeing outcomes for youth and home caregivers: A comparative case study of

families facing separation.

Freed, S., Sprague, B. N., Stephan, A., Tian, J., Phillips, C. B., Doyle, C., & Ross, L. A. (under review). Feasibility and enjoyment of

exercise video games in older adults for social connectedness. 

Jamil, F., Emerson, A., McKown, G., & Stephan, A. (in press). The struggle is real: An investigation of preschool teachers'

perceptions of students' challenging behaviors through reflective writing. Early Childhood Education Journal.

Stephan, A. (2020). Intergenerational learning in the family as an informal learning process: A review of the literature. Journal of

Intergenerational Relationships, 19(4), Advance Online Publication:



Minor, J., Stephan, E.A., Stephan, A., & Neptune, A. (July, 2021). Implementing an Engineering Math Curriculum Sequence:

Preliminary Results and Lessons Learned. American Society for Engineering Education Conference Proceedings. Long Beach, CA.*

Stephan, A., Harcum, J., Whisler, L., & Stephan, E.A. (July, 2021). Using the Learning and Study Skills Inventory (LASSI) to Track

Students’ Growth and Evaluate the Effectiveness of a Learning Strategies Course. American Society for Engineering Education Conference Proceedings. Long Beach, CA.

Stephan, E.A., Stephan, A., Martin, B., & Miller, M.K. (July, 2021). Exploring Engineering: Peer Sharing Presentations in First-Year

Engineering Curriculum. American Society for Engineering Education Conference Proceedings. Long Beach, CA.

Whisler, L., Stephan, E.A., & Stephan, A. (2020). Continuing to Promote Metacognitive Awareness in a First-Year Learning Strategies

Course. American Society for Engineering Education Conference Proceedings. Montreal, Canada.


Stephan, A., Stephan, E.A., & Miller, M.K. (2020). Extended Exam Wrappers: Comparison of Approaches in a Learning Strategies

Course. American Society for Engineering Education Conference Proceedings. Montreal, Canada.


Stephan, A., Whisler, L., Stephan, E.A., & Neptune, A.I. (2020). Peer Sharing Presentations in a First-Year Engineering Learning

Strategies Course. American Society for Engineering Education Conference Proceedings. Montreal, Canada.


Stephan, E.A., Stephan, A., Whisler, L., Miller, M.K., & Neptune, A.I. (2020). Engineering Learning Strategies Course Supports

Student Retention. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Southeast Annual Conference. Auburn, AL.


Whisler, L., & Stephan, A. (2020). Impact of Entangled Learning on First-Year Undergraduate Engineering Student Readiness for Self

Directed Learning. Proceedings of the International Society of Self-Directed Learning. Cocoa Beach, FL.


Stephan, A., Bolding, C., & McKown, G. (2019). Familial Influence on Engineering Student Sense of Belonging and Engineering

Identity. Proceedings of the International Conference on Social and Education Science. Denver, CO.   


Stephan, A., Whisler, L., Stephan, E.A., & Trogden, B. (2019). Using Exam Wrappers in a Self-Directed First-Year Learning Strategies

Course. Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. Tampa, FL.


Whisler, L., Stephan, A., & Stephan, E.A. (2019). Promoting Metacognitive Awareness in a First-Year Learning Strategies Course for

Cohorted General Engineering Students. Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. Tampa, FL.


Stephan, E.A., Whisler, L., & Stephan, A. (2018). Work in progress: Strategic, Translational retention initiatives to promote

engineering success. Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. Salt Lake City, UT.



Stephan, A., Tian, J., & Ross, L.A. (November, 2021). Multitasking in Older Adults’ Daily Activities: A Preliminary Investigation.

Abstract accepted to Gerontological Society of America 2021 Annual Scientific Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.

Stephan, A. (November, 2021). Well-being during Emerging Adulthood: Challenges and Opportunities. Abstract accepted to the

Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood’s 10th Annual Conference on Emerging Adulthood. [online conference format].

Stephan, E.A., Miller, M.K., & Stephan, A. (July, 2021). Strategic, Translational Retention Initiative to Promote Engineering Success of

Underprepared Students. Abstract accepted to the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference. Long Beach, CA.

Stephan, A. (June, 2021). Taking Lessons from Grandparents Along for the Journey: How Grandparents Influence the Transition into

Adulthood. Poster presented at Generations United’s 2021 Virtual Intergenerational Conference.

McKown, G., & Stephan, A. (April, 2021). A Discussion on Enhancing Teachers’ Understanding of Students’ Diverse Family Systems.

Symposium session moderated at American Educational Research Association 2021 Annual Meeting. [online conference format].

Stephan, A. (April, 2021). Intergenerational Play within the Workplace: A Powerful Mechanism for Informal Learning. Presented at

the 2021 Conference on the Value of Play. [online conference format].

Stephan, A. (March, 2021). Finding Oneself in the Modern World: The Influence of Intergenerational Relationships on Youth Identity

Development. Poster presented at Society for Research on Adolescence Virtual Meeting [online conference format].

Stephan, A. (November, 2020). The Role of Technology in Intergenerational Learning Experiences. Proposal accepted to Learning

Sciences Graduate Student Conference, Madison, WI.


Stephan, A., Baker, A., & Bennett, A. (April, 2020). The Influence of Preschool Educators’ Beliefs About Play-Based Learning on

Instructional Delivery. Proposal accepted to the PLAY Conference: 2020 Conference on the Value of Play, Clemson, SC. [online conference format]


Stephan, A. (March, 2020). Finding Oneself in the Modern World: The Influence of Intergenerational Relationships on Youth Identity

Development. Poster accepted to Society for Research on Adolescence Biennial Meeting, San Diego, CA.* [conference cancelled]


Stephan, A. (October, 2019). Transferring Learning in the Family and Community to the Classroom: A Review of Intergenerational

Learning Experiences for Marginalized Youth. Poster presented at The Scholarly Consortium for Innovative Psychology in Education Biennial Conference, Savannah, GA.*


Stephan, A. (May, 2019). Exploring Contemporary Intergenerational Learning for Marginalized Populations: A Review of the

Literature. Paper accepted to HASTAC, Vancouver, Canada.


Stephan, A., & Bennett, A. (April, 2019). Play across Generations: A Literature Review of Intergenerational Learning Experiences.

Paper presented at PLAY Conference, Clemson, SC.


Baker, A., Bennett, A., & Stephan, A. (March, 2019). Examining Kindergarten Readiness Skills Using a Play-Based, Nature-Focused

Preschool Curriculum. Paper presented at PLAY Conference, Clemson, SC.


Whisler, L., Stephan, A., Stephan, E.A. (November, 2018). Learning Support for Underserved Engineering Students: Creating an

Entangled Learning Community of Scholars. Paper presented at the Association of American Colleges and Universities Transforming STEM Higher Education Conference, Atlanta, GA. 


*Indicates presentation that received award or other recognition


Stephan, A., & McKown, G. (February, 2021). The Comparison of Two Family Units Facing Separation: A Preliminary Investigation.

Presented at the Clemson University Connected Learning in Education and Research (CLEaR) Lab Virtual Poster Session Event. [online conference format].

Stephan, A. (March, 2020). Intergenerational Relationships and Youth Identity Development: A Review of the Literature. Poster

accepted to Clemson University Graduate Research and Discovery Symposium, Clemson, SC. [conference cancelled]


Whisler, L., Stephan, A., & Stephan, E.A. (March, 2020). Boost Your Students’ Success with a Learning and Professional

Development Strategies Course. Workshop presented at the American Society for Engineering Education Southeast Section

Conference, Auburn, AL.


Stephan, E.A., Stephan, A., Whisler, L., Miller, M.K., & Neptune, A.I. (March, 2020). Engineering Learning Strategies Course

Supports Student Retention. Paper accepted to the American Society for Engineering Education Southeast Section Conference, Auburn, AL.


Stephan, A. (April, 2019). Using Exam Wrappers in a Self-Directed First-Year Learning Strategies Course. Poster presented at the

Clemson University Graduate Research and Discovery Symposium, Clemson, SC.


Stephan, A., & McKown, G. (March, 2019). Intergenerational Learning Opportunities Among Military-Connected Families: A Review

of the Literature. Paper presented at South Carolina Educators for the Practical Use of Research Annual Conference,

Columbia, SC.


Stephan, A. (April, 2018). Bolstering Academic Success through the General Engineering Learning Community. Poster presented at

the Clemson University College of Education Research Symposium, Clemson, SC.


Stephan, A. (April, 2018). The impact of community learning on academic achievement for first-year engineering students. Poster

presented at the Clemson University Graduate Research and Discovery Symposium, Clemson, SC. *


Stephan, A. (March, 2018). The impact of community learning on academic achievement for first-year engineering students. Poster

presented at the South Carolina Educators for the Practical Use of Research Annual Conference, Columbia, SC.


*Indicates presentation that received award or other recognition


Thinking Outside the Box: Alternative Assessment Methods. Invited Speaker. American Society for Engineering Education. Live Webinar,

October 2020.

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